For our Prelim task we have to make a 3 minute scene from a movie we have made up. We get to choose the genre though. This will motivate people more now that they have the choice of doing a movie about a subject/genre they like. My group consists of Melissa and Millie. They are both hard working girls, so they should be fun to work with. The genre we chose was thriller. We thought this would be the best genre for us because we had a lot of good ideas for a thriller. Our thriller is going to be about human trafficking. Human trafficking is the third largest criminal industry in the world. The films that we have taken inspiration from are "Taken" featuring Liam Neeson and "The Call" Featuring Halle Berry. These films have been very helpful because they have given us good ideas for camera angles and techniques. Also we have used some of the scene settings from the films. The reason we used these was because we think it will give some scenes a stereotypical look e.g. a dark gloomy room will inflict fear onto the audience. At the moment we are creating our storyboard, shooting schedule and risk assessment. Once this is done we can start filming. We should start filming on Wednesday the 14th of October. Personally I think we should have finished our storyboard and risk assessment quicker, because this would leave more time for editing. We have to have the task done by Friday the 16th of October. This could cause wok to be rushed and the end product to be not as good as expected.

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