Doubled final edit
This was the final edit of Doubled. After lots of hours of chopping, changing and cut the footage and playing with sound we finally have the FINAL edit of Doubled. I'm very pleased with our end product and I couldn't of asked for a better team.
When we made our prelim we realised that we didn't record enough footage, so when it came to editing we just had to go with the footage we had. But this time round I remembered to over shoot. This gave me extra footage to play around with to give us the best end product.
The only thing I'm disappointed about it our titles. We ran out of time at the end which meant we couldn't be creative with our titles. This led to us using basic titles and placing them badly. This ruined the flow of the film.
But I felt like we had grasped the idea of a fast paced action film very well by having lots of shots in quick succession which led to a fast paced opening.
Question 7
In our prelim, the audio quality was not very good. This made the entire prelim look like an amateur piece which ruined some of the better quality shots. We overcame this by using more foley rather than relying on the camera's audio quality. This proved quite difficult as we had to ensure that it was perfectly timed to prevent it looking unprofessional. Linking with the audio issue, my group decided that it would be a better idea if we tried to film as much as possible indoors to ensure minimal audio problems.
We gained an understand of steady camera shots. We realised, from doing the prelim, how important it was to use a tripod or a moving device when filming, so that the shots were not static or jolted. From having this advice and information, we were able to improve our camera shots, ensuring that they were of a high standard, still and fitted well with each shot. Realism was a big part for us as a group, as we wanted to make our film opening serious and look professional, rather than comical and fake. Therefore, we learnt from our prelim, that in order to make the shots more realistic, you shouldn't incorporate slide transitions, because it isn't realistic, but more power point, which was not our aim.
Question 5
This video includes annotations for our doubled film opening. We did this in order to explain the choices we made. For example, music choices, location choices and character choices. Within this video, we also explain how our film will attract and address the audience and why we did this. This links back to our target audience. When making our film opening, it was very important as a group to make rational decisions, to base it and fit it around not only our themes, but our target audience. This ranges from institution choices, to music choices, to title choices and to actor choices. We wanted to attract our audience by not only creating enigma and making it exciting and thrilling to watch, but to also make it relatable to our target audience, representing todays society and the twenty first century. Furthermore, in order to attract our audience, we went with the high and well known, Universal Studio's because we felt like our film would become a big blockbuster and felt that they could help with the appropriate advertising.
Also, another way of addressing the audience would be the violent props/icons that we used within our film. This clearly represents the violent and aggressive content within our film and also representing real life situations in our society today, making the audience not only feel frightened but apart of our film, which was one of our intentions. We not only wanted our audience to feel engaged with our costumes and actors, but our story line and theme also, as we show that it could happen to anyone.
Question 4
Also, when researching who would our target audience be, we created a survey, asking over 100 men and over 100 women what they're preferred genre was. This allowed us to visually see and understand who is most likely to come and see our film, based on personal preferences. Here are the results:
As you can see, from the results, we concluded that men ages 16-28, would be our target audience. This was because the men clearly demonstrated their personal preferences and the types of films that they like to watch. However, although not as many women said that they preferred an action film, we also were able to gain the information, that some women do prefer this type of genre, style and theme. Therefore, we did not want to limit our target audience by only basing our film around men aged 16-28, which is why we felt it was important to bare in mind that there will be a lot of women and a lot of people of variety ages that will want to come and see our film. It just allowed us to gain a rough understanding.
Here are some typical profile screenshots of who we think will be the main viewers of our film. We think the average age will be teenagers and males and females between the age of 16- 28. We think this because those of that age are more likely to have the spare time and be exposed to gaming, films and social life that contain action and violence.
As you can see, from the results, we concluded that men ages 16-28, would be our target audience. This was because the men clearly demonstrated their personal preferences and the types of films that they like to watch. However, although not as many women said that they preferred an action film, we also were able to gain the information, that some women do prefer this type of genre, style and theme. Therefore, we did not want to limit our target audience by only basing our film around men aged 16-28, which is why we felt it was important to bare in mind that there will be a lot of women and a lot of people of variety ages that will want to come and see our film. It just allowed us to gain a rough understanding.
Here are some typical profile screenshots of who we think will be the main viewers of our film. We think the average age will be teenagers and males and females between the age of 16- 28. We think this because those of that age are more likely to have the spare time and be exposed to gaming, films and social life that contain action and violence.

Question 3
What institutions would distribute our media project and why
Media institutions are companies that own a large amount of companies in various mass media such as television, radio, movies and internet. The top 6 media institutions are Comcast, Disney, News corperation, Time Warner, Viacom, CBS Corperation.

Our film is most definitely a blockbuster, this means that one of the big 6 movie institutions will be producing and distributing our film. Blockbusters are made to make lots of money. Blockerbusters will be advertised everywhere and will pay a lot of money to be distributed into well known cinemas and to get advertisement on TV during big events such as the super bowl or the champions league final. Ideology is a world view, attitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important. These vary between cultures, but it is seen as the way in which the culture should function.
After deciding what genre our media project would be (action/Thriller) we looked to see which film institutions distributed the most Action/Thriller films. After looking for a while we found that Universals Studios has produced and distributed a lot of Action/Thriller movies. Universals product portfolio is full of Action/Thriller movies and is definitely their most common genre. I would say that majority of Universals films are aimed at teens e.g. Jurassic World, Fast and Furious, Kick Ass and Ride along. Universal Studios slogan is also "Jump into action", personally I think the slogan shows that universal wants fast paced films by saying jump into because jumping into something is usually a fast motion. Universal also use the word "action" in the slogan, the definition of "action" is the process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. This shows me that Universal studies want to achieve their aims and objects as quick as possible and at a very good standard, this shows me that universal studios are motivated to work hard which would be good for us. Because Universal studios is well know to distribute films of our gene we thought that it would be a smart decision to use them to distribute our film. We also used Diamond production, they aren't mainstream but they believed in our film so we believed in them.

We did research into some other companies as well and found out that Paramount mainly does drama and Comedy, DreamWorks mostly does kids films and animations and Warner Bros does mostly comedy and drama. So are decision was that Universal studios would most suit our film because it was the most common movie genre that Universal distribute. Our film is worthy of Universal because we are a blockbuster film and we have made a film using their most commonly distributed genre. We have also done research into who would watch our film and how many people would watch our film and our research shows that we are most likely going to be successful.
Below is the director of Doubled talking about institutions used in the film and why we used them.
Media institutions are companies that own a large amount of companies in various mass media such as television, radio, movies and internet. The top 6 media institutions are Comcast, Disney, News corperation, Time Warner, Viacom, CBS Corperation.

After deciding what genre our media project would be (action/Thriller) we looked to see which film institutions distributed the most Action/Thriller films. After looking for a while we found that Universals Studios has produced and distributed a lot of Action/Thriller movies. Universals product portfolio is full of Action/Thriller movies and is definitely their most common genre. I would say that majority of Universals films are aimed at teens e.g. Jurassic World, Fast and Furious, Kick Ass and Ride along. Universal Studios slogan is also "Jump into action", personally I think the slogan shows that universal wants fast paced films by saying jump into because jumping into something is usually a fast motion. Universal also use the word "action" in the slogan, the definition of "action" is the process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. This shows me that Universal studies want to achieve their aims and objects as quick as possible and at a very good standard, this shows me that universal studios are motivated to work hard which would be good for us. Because Universal studios is well know to distribute films of our gene we thought that it would be a smart decision to use them to distribute our film. We also used Diamond production, they aren't mainstream but they believed in our film so we believed in them.
We did research into some other companies as well and found out that Paramount mainly does drama and Comedy, DreamWorks mostly does kids films and animations and Warner Bros does mostly comedy and drama. So are decision was that Universal studios would most suit our film because it was the most common movie genre that Universal distribute. Our film is worthy of Universal because we are a blockbuster film and we have made a film using their most commonly distributed genre. We have also done research into who would watch our film and how many people would watch our film and our research shows that we are most likely going to be successful.
Below is the director of Doubled talking about institutions used in the film and why we used them.
Question 2
Within this post, I begin to talk about the target audience. This is so that I gain a good understanding of who our target audience is, to understand the social groups we wish to aim it at. I then begin to talk and answer a variety of questions in order to establish the answer to this question.
Point 1) The social groups that we believe our media is targeted at.
Point 2) What were the survey results and how did this help you
Point 3) The results and how this helped us to understand the social groups, and then goes onto age, gender and race.
Point 4) The ages of our media and how this will benefit or affect the social groups
Point 5) Stereotypes and camera angles within our media
Point 6) The costumes that we chose, and why we chose them. How this benefits the social groups.
Point 7) The make up and hair within our media.
Within this video, I begin to say a little bit about the audience. This is so that, when learning about the representation, that it was not only clear what our target audience was, but also our aims in representation. For example, in the clip I begin to say about the ethnicities within our film. We not only wanted to include a variety of ethnicities to highlight equality, but to appear to a wider audience, creating the correct and appropriate message whilst doing so. I also speak about ages. The reason why our media representation is about ages, is because we feel like it is not only important to appeal to our target audience but to also encourage the idea of younger people being powerful. We felt as a group that many films, only have middle aged men and women playing the main and dominant characters. However, in order for our media to stand out, we thought we would make our main, dominant characters younger in order to not only be different, but so that our audience feels like they can relate to it. Futhermore, on the stereotyping subject, we also found that the typical vulnerable character is a white, young female. I also talk in the video about how we wanted to contrast this idea, by making our powerful main character a white female also, this is so that it stays away from this stereotypical film structure, but also giving the audience what they want by seeing something different but also familiar. I also go on to speak about the different costumes that we chose and why. We felt that this was important because the characters committing the heist, played a big part in our film opening. In order to ensure that all genders were seen as equal, we not only dressed them in the same colour, but the same outfits and props too. We didn't want any gender to feel weaker or stronger than the other, because as a group, this was not the message we wanted to create.
Within this video, I begin to say a little bit about the audience. This is so that, when learning about the representation, that it was not only clear what our target audience was, but also our aims in representation. For example, in the clip I begin to say about the ethnicities within our film. We not only wanted to include a variety of ethnicities to highlight equality, but to appear to a wider audience, creating the correct and appropriate message whilst doing so. I also speak about ages. The reason why our media representation is about ages, is because we feel like it is not only important to appeal to our target audience but to also encourage the idea of younger people being powerful. We felt as a group that many films, only have middle aged men and women playing the main and dominant characters. However, in order for our media to stand out, we thought we would make our main, dominant characters younger in order to not only be different, but so that our audience feels like they can relate to it. Futhermore, on the stereotyping subject, we also found that the typical vulnerable character is a white, young female. I also talk in the video about how we wanted to contrast this idea, by making our powerful main character a white female also, this is so that it stays away from this stereotypical film structure, but also giving the audience what they want by seeing something different but also familiar. I also go on to speak about the different costumes that we chose and why. We felt that this was important because the characters committing the heist, played a big part in our film opening. In order to ensure that all genders were seen as equal, we not only dressed them in the same colour, but the same outfits and props too. We didn't want any gender to feel weaker or stronger than the other, because as a group, this was not the message we wanted to create.
Question 1
Genre Research Our genre being action, gave us a wide variety of films to turn to for inspiration. We chose this genre because it was the majority vote in our group, we also had previously come up with a storyline for an opening that would fit with the action genre which was convenient. Action generally consists a person or group facing a number of different challenges. This means there are more likely to be chase scenes, fights, and life threatening situations, all of which have been included in our film opening. In multiple famous action films there is a villain for example Die Hard is an action film about a detective who encounters a terrorist and must take on a group during a heist. A typical stereotype of action films is that many special FX are used which highlights the impressive modern use of technology making it look new, different and appealing to a wider range of audience. Action films typically have the most enigma, leaving you feeling on edge throughout and leaving you wanting to see more.
Codes & Conventions
Commonly set in big cities, action films revolve around modernised areas rather than quieter places to give a busy atmosphere building up enigma and tension.
Sequence Development
- We initially had the idea of doing an army themed opening, basing it on a boy named Sam who grows up to be a soldier, which has been his dream since he was a child. We were going to show his growing up through a timeline style starting at age 3 of real footage of a child saying he wanted to be 'Soldier Sam'. All our group members liked this idea and we had thoroughly planned the shots we were going to take, the risks and how to overcome them however we concluded that the shots would've been too hard to shoot in the time frame we had. We appropriately went back to 'step 1' of our individual film pitches, having agreed we were going to stick with the genre of action, and discussed ideas and thoughts towards a new opening. This is when we discovered the Heist idea would turn out to look effective if we managed to pull it off seeing that the preparation time we had was shortened due to the change of storyline. We put in many extra hours so we had made up for missed time to ensure completion by the deadline. To begin with, with our initial plan of the Army storyline we were going to mainly focus on getting close up shots to show that the film was based purely on an individual. For shots that Sam was not going to be featured in, we would make it a long shot to show lack of importance to small detail.
We decided we wanted some enigma rather than a lot in our opening to diminish confusion. The audience will be questioning why the characters are in the house, also they will wonder why at the end one of the characters say they are looking for their sister. Often in action films there is a lot of enigma throughout as the film is usually a constant cycle of enigma and solving enigma similarly in Luther and Sherlock. Audiences tend to sit on the edge of their seats when watching a film with a lot of action, spectacle and enthusiasm as it connects directly with their feelings. Film openings make it hard to show layer of meaning (Semantic code in Barthes' theory) however at the end where the scripted scene occurs and the character says 'What do you mean you haven't found my sister?' this could have a number of different interpretations therefore showing a layer of meaning. We have included the symbolic code by using props such as balaclavas to show the nature of our characters. Balaclavas symbolise danger due to the lack of facial features exposed creating a sense of unease to the audience and sympathy for the young girl in the house alone.9 shot grid
Doubled first edit
This is the first edit we have realised for Doubled. The opening isn't fully finished yet we still have tittles to do, Foley to add in and some shots have to be changed because some at the moment don't flow. The next edit will have all these problems fixed.
Today was the first day that our Film opening was played to the class. we had mixed reviews from the class, some people said they liked the idea of the film, some said it was too complicated. Some thought that the searching of the house lasted too long and some thought it was just right. Majority of people didn't like the titles. We have taken the criticism into account for the next edit.
Shot list
This is our shot list:
1. Shot of Melissa, Megan, Max and Spencer inside the van
2. Individual tracking shot of each individual character moving
3. Shot of them all leaving the van
4. Shot of Max jumping over the fence, shot of the others entering through the gate
5. Shot of Melissa and Spencer breaking through the door and unlocking the lock
5. Shot of Megan on the phone whilst Melissa and Spencer are entering
6. Shot of Megan running to the stairs, then hiding in the cupboard
7.Shot of Megan ( other character) rummaging around the house, with gun
7. Shot of Melissa and Spencer entering through the kitchen
8. Shot of Max rummaging through the house
9. Shot of Melissa, Max and Megan going up the stairs and checking the hall way
10. Shot of Melissa entering Megans Room
11. Shot of Max walking round the room
11. Shot of Megan walking out the wardrobe and out of the window
12. Shot of Megan, Max and Melissa hearing something, running and checking the
11. Shot of Megan taking off her mask, revealing herself.
In order to make this opening scene even more effective, we plan to use sound effects, music and special effects.
1. Shot of Melissa, Megan, Max and Spencer inside the van
2. Individual tracking shot of each individual character moving
3. Shot of them all leaving the van
4. Shot of Max jumping over the fence, shot of the others entering through the gate
5. Shot of Melissa and Spencer breaking through the door and unlocking the lock
5. Shot of Megan on the phone whilst Melissa and Spencer are entering
6. Shot of Megan running to the stairs, then hiding in the cupboard
7.Shot of Megan ( other character) rummaging around the house, with gun
7. Shot of Melissa and Spencer entering through the kitchen
8. Shot of Max rummaging through the house
9. Shot of Melissa, Max and Megan going up the stairs and checking the hall way
10. Shot of Melissa entering Megans Room
11. Shot of Max walking round the room
11. Shot of Megan walking out the wardrobe and out of the window
12. Shot of Megan, Max and Melissa hearing something, running and checking the
11. Shot of Megan taking off her mask, revealing herself.
In order to make this opening scene even more effective, we plan to use sound effects, music and special effects.
*They sit in the van, loading weapons*
*They exit the van, max goes a separate way and jumps the fence, the rest go through the gate and begin to unlock the door*
*Once entered through the door- Megan goes and checks a room, Spencer and Melissa goes off and Max checks upstairs*
(Megan on the phone) - No, I definitely heard something. Dad....they're coming into the house
*Runs to the stairs- hides in wardrobe-
*Others check upstairs*
Megan goes out the window
*The others hear something- run inside the room*
Megan ( Jade) - I can't believe she's not here. I can't believe my sisters not here'
First Draft Feedback

We found the feedback to be really useful because we get to find out what people think the weak points of our movie opening are. This helped use improve our film massively because people also came up with solutions to the problems which was really helpful.
Film poster
This is our film poste/ front cover. We chose to do black and white effect to make it seem more dark and sinister. We then wanted to add scratch effects in order to make the poster stand out and create the effect of beaten violence. We also put the suitable viewing age, in order to highlight how old you have to be to be able to watch it. The title font also represents the scratches and violence within the image, and makes it bold and stand out.
Target Audience, promotion, advertisement, marketing ploy, sales promotion
Target audience
The target audience for our movie is 15 and over. We have chosen this as our target audience as we feel that the film will appeal to all ages above 15 due to the graphic and action packed content. The reason why we chose the film to not be available to under 15's is because the content will include gore and action, which we don't think is visibly appropriate for that age group. It could also cause our viewers stress and anxiety.
Primary: People who enjoy heist films
Secondary: People who enjoy action films
In terms of a direct market ploy to help promote our film we will be going out and handing out our own 'little' posters to advertise the film and will also be doing questionnaires. In the questionnaires we will basically be asking people if they heard about the film and if not definitely telling them that they should go see it! Along with this we will also be doing some kind of sales promotion which is on the next slide.

Primary: People who enjoy heist films
Secondary: People who enjoy action films
We are going to advertise our film in many different ways. The first way in which we are going to advertise our film is by producing a movie 'trailer'. The trailer needs to be of high quality because the trailer is what attracts most of the customers. The trailer will be available on youtube. This is a great way to reach our target audience because Youtube is widely accessed. The second method of advertisement are with posters. This is a more simplistic way of advertising the film and is more old fashioned, but it is still very effective. The posters will feature on the sides of busses, posters on train stations and on billboards at the side of the road.
The promotion that we are going to use are: Advertisement, Sponsorship, direct marketing and public relations
In terms of sponsorship we have Paramount pictures at the front as they are going to be one of the main producers for our movie. The other sponsor will be SM cooperation's which is our own producer that we will use at the start of the opening. We will also use product placement in our movie so we will basically be advertising other products to make more money.
Direct marketing ploy

Sales promotion
As we are conducting our direct market ploy we will also be offering a sales promotion. This will be that if they can get all of the questions right in a quiz then they will get movie vouchers for a discount on the movie or perhaps that they will get a free popcorn or drink when they buy tickets for the movie. This will be videoed and shown on things such as YouTube as an advert so it will help get the film a lot of exposure which will ensure that a lot more people will be willing and wanting to go and watch the movie but also that a lot more people see it in particular our target audience.
Working Together
This picture is showing my group working together. The reasons as to why our team works well together is because we all work hard and believe that working as a TEAM is vital for. We all take on individual jobs that we know will benefit us in the future. This will also save time and allow the most work to be don't as possible. We first brain stormed ideas together and then we wrote down and pitched everybody's individual ideas. This gave everyone the chance to voice and present their film pitch ideas. However, naturally, ideas changed. We went off each idea, developed it and then came up with a final product that we were happy with as a group. We all went round and decided on our best skills and qualities, for example, Max is very good at editing, so max will take on the main role of editing, however, we will all he as a group. We then realised that Spencer is better at filming, so spencer will be the main cameraman. Then Megan and I were both strong actors, directors and camera work. We will also contribute to the editing. By doing this, we were able to use everyone's strongest abilities. We then decided which of us were going to do things like story boards, diary entries, risk assessments etc. This will allow us to get work done quickly and efficiently. Overall, I feel that our group is extremely hard working and will work very well together. We all bounce off each others skills, personalities and work ability.
Group Feedback
After completing and presenting our group film pitches, everybody in the class had to fill out review sheets, giving us feedback on clear genre, target audience, why it will be interesting, character, setting, mood, style, enigma, similar films/ inspirations and any other film advice or concerns. By receiving these sheets, it allowed us to gain a further understanding from an audience point of view, of how our film will come across and seem. We wanted to know whether the idea and concept was appropriate to our chosen genre. However, since giving our group film pitch, we have changed our ideas further, meaning the genre too.
These are our feedback results on average:
What is the genre? Is it clear? - Action/ Thriller. The genre was very clearly stated because they said would be a heist film which would include lots of fighting and thrilling action. This easily gives off the perception of an Action/Thriller.
Who is the target audience and why would they pay to see it? - The target audience is for over 15's. They would pay to see it because it includes a good story line, and lots of action. This would be the perfect audience for the film because teens love films that have non-stop action and a male gaze. If we could manage to push the age down to 12A we would have a wider target audience. By having it as a 12A it means more people can come watch the film which would lead to more ticket sales.
Does it introduce character and setting? - Yes, it introduces the whole crew in the opening scene. You get to see the leader Megan who controls them. You then have the two subordinate. You then also have James who is individual to the rest of the group. This is shown because he wears the blue jumper instead of the black jumper everyone else.
Is the narrative interesting? Does it create enigma? - Yes, the narrative is interesting, represents our everyday lives, and shows Sam's life. It also shows enigma because you want to find out why Sam is lying on the floor.. What will happen to him?.... What happened to Sam's Father?... What will happen in the army?.... What happens to Sam's Mother?
What films is it similar to? - War films like Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Beginning section like Run All Night.
Comments/ advice to make it better- Try to have less happening. But overall really good idea.
These are our feedback results on average:
What is the genre? Is it clear? - Action/ Thriller. The genre was very clearly stated because they said would be a heist film which would include lots of fighting and thrilling action. This easily gives off the perception of an Action/Thriller.
Who is the target audience and why would they pay to see it? - The target audience is for over 15's. They would pay to see it because it includes a good story line, and lots of action. This would be the perfect audience for the film because teens love films that have non-stop action and a male gaze. If we could manage to push the age down to 12A we would have a wider target audience. By having it as a 12A it means more people can come watch the film which would lead to more ticket sales.
Does it introduce character and setting? - Yes, it introduces the whole crew in the opening scene. You get to see the leader Megan who controls them. You then have the two subordinate. You then also have James who is individual to the rest of the group. This is shown because he wears the blue jumper instead of the black jumper everyone else.
Is the narrative interesting? Does it create enigma? - Yes, the narrative is interesting, represents our everyday lives, and shows Sam's life. It also shows enigma because you want to find out why Sam is lying on the floor.. What will happen to him?.... What happened to Sam's Father?... What will happen in the army?.... What happens to Sam's Mother?
What films is it similar to? - War films like Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Beginning section like Run All Night.
Comments/ advice to make it better- Try to have less happening. But overall really good idea.
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